St Catharines Old Boys Lacrosse Association

Members Page

Our Goal
Becoming a Member
Events Page
Event Pictures
Members Page
Contact Us

We hope to use this page to keep members updated on each other and on the latest happenings within the organization.

Please complete this form and submit either by e-mail or Royal Mail to the Secretary

2004 Executive Information
President -
John Howe                   905-646-8541
Past President
Ron Winterbottem Jr     905-682-1923
Vice President
Steve Secord               905-688-2496
Denis McNulty             905-684-0456
Ted Howe Jr                 905-937-1507
Board of Directors
Kevin McNulty                 905-935-7579
John Schenck Jr              905-687-9073
Jim Hopgood                   905-937-1596
Bill Greenhalgh                905-984-8840
Barry Murphy                   905-938-2864
Paul Coates                    905-988-1962
Joe Engemann                905-935-1642
Jeff Lennard                    905-685-7579
Allan Moore                     905-646-4134
Dennis VanMeer              905-937-2112
Dan Bowman                   905-646-5058
Bob McLaren                   905-688-3691

Our newest Honourary Member
Bob Bell

The Mann Cup

Symbol of Canadian Senior Lacrosse Supremacy

Honourary Members

Jim Bradley
John Schenck Sr.
Pat Smith
Whitey Frick
Ron Winterbottom Sr.
Nip (Don) O'Hearn
Bob Bell

Old Boys Life Members

Tilman  Arsenault Bill  Howe
Warren  Atkinson Ted  Howe Jr     
Fred  Bachur          Ray  Kelly
Peter  Berge          John  Kuzmaski
Jim  Bradley          John  Leish
Max  Brooks           Bob  Luey            
Tom  Bye Sr.          Lloyd  Masterson
Bill  Chase           Blain  McDonald.
Gerry  Cheevers      Jim  McMahon Sr
Ted  Condon Kevin  McNulty
Ken  Croft            Harold  Meighan
Hal  Crooker          John  Mouradian
Larry  Cunningham Charlie  Nickerson
Mike  D'Amico         Obie  O'Brien
Bill  Daniels         Lee  Randall
John  Dewar           George  Scott
Harry  Edmondstone Stu  Scott
Jerry  Fitzgerald     Eugene  Serwatiak
Al  Frick Chip  Soyka
Norm  Garriock Ralph  Speck
Doug  Halliday Vern  Whitely
Gord  Hastings Harry  Wipper
Dick  Hill     

The Gang
2006 Annual Picnic

Let us know if there are any events or updates you would like to share with fellow members.

Secretary - Ted Howe Jr.
18 Willcher Dr
St Catharines, ON
L2M 7C8